
Discipling new generations

Discipling New Generations is an Synod 2023 resolution that recognises the value of children and young people in the Anglican Diocese of Adelaide, and the importance of discipling new generations of faith. 

A forum will be held at St Martin’s Anglican Church, Campbelltown, from 10am – 1pm on Saturday, 17 August. Morning tea and a sausage sizzle lunch will be provided. 

This forum is offered to people working in child and youth ministry, and to people who want to contribute to this ministry. It will provide an opportunity for interested people to share ideas, learn from others, and to discuss and provide feedback on a forthcoming report into child and youth ministry in our diocese. Archbishop Geoff Smith will open the forum proceedings, Lilly Bures and Ben Woodd will be your forum hosts.

The link to register is HERE.