Parish News

The season of creation at St Peter’s Cathedral

Throughout September, St Peters Cathedral will be celebrating the Season of Creation.

The Flower Guild will start the month by launching their 2025 calendar, “For the Love of Flowers,” on 1 September.

This will be available for purchase at $12.95 from the Cathedral Shop.

Well-known artist, John Hamilton, has worked with the Flower Guild to create the calendar. He has also created a series of paintings inspired by their work. These paintings will be on display during September and be available for purchase at the Cathedral.

Additionally, every Friday morning in September, a member of the Flower Guild will be arranging flowers, while John will showcase his painting methods.  

Refreshments will be provided for those watching. 

Parishes are warmly invited to visit the Cathedral on Friday mornings to be inspired by the creativity of the art of flower arranging and painting and to enjoy morning tea. 

The Meeting God on Monday group, which meets on the third Monday of the month, will also focus on creation, as will the liturgies each Sunday.

The celebrations will culminate on Sunday 29 September at 10.30am with a special service to bless our pets.

For a poster and listing of all events during the month click here.