St Peter’s College has welcomed the Reverend Julia Denny-Dimitriou as the School’s Associate Chaplain. Established in 1847, St Peter’s College is an Anglican School for boys, founded with the express purpose of teaching the Holy Scriptures and the principles of Christian religion in the context of a modern, broad and liberal education. This enduring purpose guides St Peter’s College in being an inclusive, morally formative institution that forever strives to challenge students to be their best and serve the wider community through selflessness.
Headmaster Tim Browning said he was delighted to welcome Rev Julia, to the role of Associate Chaplain, the first female to hold the position full-time in the School’s 177-year history.

“Reverend Julia is a wonderful addition to our Chaplaincy team. With a particular interest in spirituality, social justice, and ministry to children and young people, she brings diversity to our Chaplaincy Program that complements our students’ broad and liberal education,” said Mr Browning.
“As a school for boys, it is important to have strong female role models in leadership positions. Having a female priest will provide wider views and intellectual prompts and demonstrates to our students that leadership for women encompasses all facets of life, including the Church.”
Rev Julia was raised in rural Zimbabwe and attended boarding school from Year 1. She pursued tertiary studies in Journalism in South Africa and subsequently worked in a range of print media roles.
Having felt called to ministry from an early age, she undertook her theology studies by extension once ordination was open to women. Rev Julia was among the first women ordained in the Anglican Church in Southern Africa.

Officially welcomed to St Peter’s College at a commissioning ceremony conducted by the Right Reverend Denise Ferguson, Assistant Bishop of Adelaide, Rev Julia shared, “I am reassured by a sense that this is where God wants me. This is the place where I am meant to be. I look forward to the adventure ahead, with what I can now honestly call our School.”
Commenting on her appointment, Rev Julia said: “I feel very privileged to be a part of a team that, God willing, helps the community of SPSC to ask good questions about God and their place in God’s economy of love… And then to live bravely the challenge of sometimes going without solid answers about the mystery that God poses, yet continuing as believers and followers all the same.”
Before moving to Australia, Rev Julia worked in parishes in South Africa and Cyprus. She served as the Chaplain to St Peter’s Woodlands Grammar School from 2015 before becoming Rector of All Souls’ Anglican Church in St Peters in 2019.
School Chaplain the Reverend Dr Theo McCall also expressed his enthusiasm for Julia’s addition to the team.
“Rev Julia’s appointment is very exciting. She is very passionate about social justice and making connections with the wider community; the role of Associate Chaplain is one which will enable this. Rev Julia has already made significant contributions since her arrival, taking responsibility for the ‘Golden Rule’ society, which focuses on justice and aims to raise awareness and funds for Palestinians suffering in Gaza and the West Bank.”
Ahead of her formal start, Rev Julia graciously assisted the School in Term 1 by preaching in Chapel and Memorial Hall on several occasions, including during the Holy Week celebrations.
St Peter’s College warmly welcomes Rev Julia and looks forward to her positive impact on the spiritual and moral development of our students and the School community.