Clergy and laity from the Diocese of Adelaide gathered for the Chrism Eucharist at St Peter’s Cathedral on the Tuesday before Easter.
The service is also known as the ‘Reaffirmation of Ordination Vows and Blessing of the Oil of the Sick and of the Chrism’ and is celebrated every year in Holy Week.

It is an opportunity for clergy to reflect on and reaffirm their vows made at ordination, especially in the light of the obedience and faithfulness of Jesus in the week between his triumphal entry into Jerusalem and his approaching crucifixion on Good Friday.
As the clergy reaffirmed their vows, it was also an opportunity for lay people to support their clergy and to rededicate themselves to our lay ministry.

Before celebrating Communion together, there was a blessing of oils to be used in the coming year for anointing the sick and dying, and also for baptism, confirmation, ordination, and consecrating buildings.
At this year’s Chrism Eucharist the Ven Jo Smith was collated as Archdeacon of Para and the Ven Sam Goodes as Archdeacon of City and The Port. In addition, the Reverend Helen Phillips was commissioned as Flourishing Community Facilitator.