Parish News

How do we green our parishes?

Anglicans in Conversation “Greening the Parish” 

How do Anglican parishes and individuals care for the environment in a responsible and sustainable way that reflects their faith?

The Community Engagement Ministry Unit, (CEMU), and the Anglican Creation Care Network (ACCN), posed this and similar questions at a workshop attended by more than 15 people from 10 parishes on Saturday 23 April.

Hosted by the Parish of St Luke’s in Modbury, participants enjoyed a guided tour of the parish’s community garden and Opshop. David Datson, a member of St Luke’s Modbury Garden group, reminded the group of the Oxford dictionary definition of greening: “The greening of a person or organisation means that the person or organisation is becoming more aware of environmental issues.”

Peter Burke and Beth Walton speaking on Creation Care & Parish activities, Voluntary Environmental Audits, the Anglican Creation Care Network and its work with the State Government’s ‘Green Adelaide’ initiative.

Peter Burke and Beth Walton of the ACCN talked about the voluntary Environmental Audits which have been piloted and shared examples of parish and community creation care activities. These are not only cause for celebration but also often examples of “best practice” for parishes and individuals to emulate. For example: 

David Datson sharing how the Parish of Modbury has engaged in ‘Greening’, Creation Care, sustainable gardening as part of its local parish mission.

Bookings are open for the next Anglicans in Conversation session on Creation Care at the Church of the Good Shepherd, Plympton on Saturday 9 July 2022 at 9.00am – 1.00pm.  Speakers include St Peter’s Cathedral’s Canon Jenny Wilson on Liturgy and Learning; Reverend Margo Holt, Deacon at Strathalbyn on the Franciscan approach to creation care and Reverend David Thompson, Priest Wakefield Ministry District, and lead Eco Spirituality Diocese of Willochra.  The event will include a ”Bring your own” (BYO) lunch with Hearty Soup and Crusty Bread provided, presentations and retreat time. 

Details and the booking link can be found here