“The point of a maze is to find its centre. The point of a labyrinth is to find your centre,” is a popular meme.
“The way in is the way out,” also describes what a labyrinth is, it’s purpose ….and that arriving at the centre is only halfway.
Both symbolically and practically in today’s world it’s true to say interacting with a labyrinth in any way one chooses will likely allow mental space to locate and dwell in one’s own stillness.
It is a popular and accessible spiritual tool, an ancient form of walking meditation and is considered to be an invaluable path to our deepest wisdom.

‘Be still and know that I am God’ is a universal understanding across cultural and spiritual differences.
Here at St Michael’s labyrinth walking is offered regularly as a form of worship in our very own diverse and inclusive Sacred Space schedule.
But labyrinths like their users come in all shapes and sizes.
Following the gift of ‘a treasure of buttons and some creative design work the St Michael’s craft group has been hard at work.
The group has been creating handheld button finger labyrinths thereby making the labyrinth experience even more diverse and accessible for those for whom walking an actual labyrinth isn’t practical.

And on Friday last, Reverend Dianne Schaefer who has been sharing her invaluable knowledge and practical experience with St Michael’s parishioners in the Sacred Space Christian meditation schedule, visited. (Sacred Space Sunday is held weekly at St Michael’s Mitcham, 5-6pm see the flyer below for details).
Rev’d Dianne spoke to the craft group of her work at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital via the Anglican chaplaincy and her role in South Australia in Christian meditation.
The group was delighted to present Rev Dianne with a range of their finished pieces as a gift from St Michael’s to support her work at the hospital.
Perhaps not much actual walking will happen … but fingers tracing a tiny pathway to the centre and back, of these varied & beautiful designs might well support a more relaxed and stress-free hospital stay and recovery.
And perhaps the users younger and older will have fun along the way interacting with the bright colours and varied labyrinth designs, realising ‘the way in is (actually) the way out‘ of mostly anything.