The Adelaide Mothers’ Union Executive is putting out a call to their branch members to take part in a Global Day in a campaign to end violence against women and girls.
The Mothers’ Union World Wide takes part in 16 days of Activism from 25 November (International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women) to 10 December (World Human Rights Day). Amidst the 16 days is The Mothers’ Union’s Global Day, this year falling on the 27 November.
The Mothers’ Union World Wide has it’s Head Office in the Mary Sumner House, London.
The Adelaide branch has proposed that where possible people gather together in silence wearing a purple scarf for three minutes at 1:03pm on Global Day.
The three minute time is symbolic of the statistic that one in three women are victims of domestic violence.
The branch also suggests every third person in the line should put the scarf over their eyes.
This is not just for branch members, however. As violence against women and girls is such and important issue, the Adelaide branch is also encouraging all parishes in the Adelaide Diocese to observe the day.
If a parish is unable to meet at 1:03pm specifically, any three minute silence at some point on the 27 November would be acceptable.
The Mothers’ Union will be providing more resources for those interested in the lead up to Global Day, and encourages people to use the hashtag #NoMore1in3 if posting on social media.
You can find out more on the Mothers’ Union website
You can check the details for your diary on our events page here.